Friday, November 24, 2017


Sorry I haven't updated in a while my computer decided not to work.  With it being Thanksgiving weekend here in the U.S.A. I am going to talk about setbacks on you journey to healthy.  Setbacks on your journey to healthy can come in many forms not eating healthy, having health problems, financial problems to name a few.  Instead of giving up on your journey to healthy give your self a pep talk and evaluate ways that you can resume your journey to healthy in your circumstances.  Happy Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The saboteur

I have found in my journey to healthy that there will always be a someone or someone's that will be a saboteur.  They are usually the ones who know that they should be on the journey to healthy as well and either they are jealous of your progress or it reminds them that they should be on a journey to healthy as well.  They will a lot of times encourage you to eat unhealthy, skip a work out, or snack on unhealthy things.  Other times they will make fun of things that you do on your journey to healthy.  Some times it is hard to deal with I try to think that I'm doing this Journey for me not them.  So try to stand strong against the Saboteurs.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017


First a disclaimer this blog doesn't begin at the begging of my Journey to Healthy. I don't know if anyone will even read this, but I thought that if it would help anyone else get healthy (notice I said healthy not skinny) that I would share my experience. A definition of why I said healthy and not skinny is because just being skinny is not healthy.  A little background: the fall after I graduated High School I was diagnosed with PCOS IR(Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome with Insulin Resistance) and also a Teratoma tumor on my left ovary. Due to PCOS IR and the tumor I was rapidly gaining weight and no matter what diet I tried could not lose weight. I went to my doctor and told her that's it I have tried almost every diet to lose weight and nothing was working I needed help!!!! She was pretty sure it was PCOS, but referred me to Cleveland Clinic to confirm and for treatment. during the tests they found the tumor which was removed. They began treatment for the PCOS IR and slowly I began to lose weight.  So I am as of now 70 pounds from the weight that the Dr. wants me to be at and then do some fine tuning. I will admit something on here that I haven't told many people being a lot closer to 400 than 300 is scary!!!  I have lost around 110 pounds and feel healthier.  Even when I reach my weight goal that doesn't mean that I have reached healthy. Healthy is much more than your weight!! So I don't know if anyone will read this, but if you do when you begin your journey to healthy it may be best to consult your Dr. and make sure that your vitamin, insulin, and hormone levels are ok or if they need help balancing.  Also to help you set up a journey to healthy plan that is healthy for you and won't cause any health problems or cause injury.  Also if your physically able and/or cleared by your Dr. to exercise start out slow and steady.  If you have a gym I have found that it's easier for me to make sure that I get my exercise in if I don't do it at home.  If the gym has a trainer they may be able to help you get started on the exercises that will help you reach your healthy.  Slow and steady is the best way to achieve healthy and not regress.  So to someone who is on this journey or is thinking about starting this journey you matter and you are worth it.  I believe in you. Anyway if anyone is reading this thank you and I hope it helps.


Sorry I haven't updated in a while my computer decided not to work.  With it being Thanksgiving weekend here in the U.S.A. I am going to...